Friday 21 June 2013

Aweber Review - How to Pick The Right Auto-Responder For YOUR Business (The 2 Words That Matter)

Aweber Review - How to Pick The Right Auto-Responder For YOUR Business (The 2 Words That Matter)

Expert Author Ian H. Ross
Which auto-responder service is the best? What are the primary differences between the different email marketing services available... and what are the most important qualities I should look for before choosing one?
Is Aweber a good choice for online marketers and affiliates... or is there a better email marketing system for newbies and beginners?
The truth is, selecting an email marketing services is actually a FAR simpler choice than most people make it out to be.
You really ought to care about ONLY a few important qualities... and the rest is simply sound and fury and really, as Shakespeare said about auto-responders and email marketing, "signifies nothing" (okay... Shakespeare didn't use an auto-responder, but if he did, he probably would have...)
I want to share with you the super simple ONE word metric you ought to care about when selecting an auto-responder.
That word is NOT cost, it's not how pretty the email templates are, and it's NOT how many fancy pants bonuses they offer you to sign UP.
The most important quality you want in an commercial grade email marketing system is DELIVER-ABILITY, or the rate at which the email's sent from the originating service actually make it TO the inbox of your audience (rather than being filtered or blocked on their way).
Why is that such an important idea for folks like us who want to get our marketing message out to the masses?
Because if your emails aren't getting delivered to the inboxes of your audience, your subscribers and your community... you are NOT going to be able to make your marketing message matter.
And as a result... obviously, you aren't going to be making much money to boot.
Good "deliver-ability" ratings are based on another one word idea between the auto-responder company, and the ISP's that filter our mail:
If the ISP's trust your email marketing company is legitimate, and plays by the rules, and moderates it's users to ensure very little spam is sent... your messages WILL get delivered. Period.
And take it from me... there are widely different levels of trust between the major email marketing services and the ISP's they deal with.
Some of the BIG names in the industry (which will go nameless here) have terrible "trust issues" and I've encountered clients, or even occasionally on my own past campaigns, where HALF of our messages or more were not getting into the digital devices of our audience, simply because certain ISP's had filtered all mail coming from certain auto-responder companies as spam, or junk mail.
Aweber is widely known to have the gold industry standard "end use deliver" rates... with 99% being the number most widely used, and the biggest reason why all other things considered, they should be YOUR choice if you have inspired ideas and want to make sure your list actually reads what you write!
Cost wise they are competitive, and ease of use is very similar to other services too... remember, none of this stuff is rocket science and anyone should be able to set up an email marketing campaign in minutes (something Aweber makes very easy to do, too).


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